Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Walking With Jesus- I Am Not Busy

Too much to do, too much to do, ta da da da da da, too much to do

I am not busy.  

I am not sure when it started exactly, but it was sometime around the time I got married.  I started working, doing, trying to accomplish all the time.  I went from not being a reader, to reading non stop.  I went from hardly ever caring for my home, to looking for more things to do around the house.  From being a fairly hard working pastor, to trying to be Super Pastor.  This didn't all happen overnight but it did happen.  For 15 years I was busy.  And I was not made better by my busyness.  Jesus has tried to slow me down the last year.  I am not busy is something he is teaching me to say, and live.  Pastors are sometimes called lazy, cause they only work one day a week (we pastors love that joke) so I guess I was trying to overcompensate.  Now, I do not want to be lazy, I do not have that problem, but I do not want to be a busy person.  

I do not have too much to do.  

I will die with things on my to do list.  So I do not worry about my to do list as much as I use to. Over that becoming busy 15 year period I became a to do list.  The past 6 months, I don't even make a to do list any more.  I threw my to do list away.  I have read all the books about Getting Things Done, including Getting Things Done, but they always made me feel like I had too much to do. They never made me feel like I was accomplishing things.  Now I prioritize, to the best of my ability.  I do the things I have to do and the things I want to do, by God's leading and grace, and I threw my to do list away. Don't get my wrong I am still very organized, but now I do not have too much to do.

I have things I want to accomplish, but if I don't get them done, it is not the end of the world and there is always tomorrow.

Man do I have things I want to accomplish.  Some of them I do, many I do not.  But the sun still comes up.  I want to read a book a week, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't and the sun still comes up. I want to do things with my wife and daughter, sometimes I succeed, sometimes not so much, but the sun still comes up.  I want Living Hope to grow, so I reach out, sometimes well, sometimes not for many days, but the sun still comes up.

I am not busy, by God's grace I will not allow myself to be.

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