Monday, June 29, 2015

Living Hope's Response to Same Sex Marriage

The current debate is plagued by this binary lens. Those on the left try to lump everyone who disagrees with them into that right side. If you don’t support, you hate. Meanwhile, those on the right see compromise and spinelessness in anyone who doesn’t get red-faced and militant. If you don’t hate, you support.
But true followers of Christ will walk neither path. We have something to say that no one else is saying, or can say. Distancing ourselves from both the left and the right, we don’t celebrate homosexual practice, we acknowledge God’s clear revealed word that it is sin; and we don’t hate those who embrace homosexuality, we love them enough to not just collapse under the societal pressure. We speak the truth in love into this confusion, saying, simultaneously, “That’s wrong” and “I love you.” We’re not the left; we say, this is wrong. And we’re not the right; we say, you’re loved. We speak good news, with those sweetest, deepest, most glorious words of the cross — the same words that God spoke us — “You’re wrong, and you’re loved.

I believe in traditional marriage, and I always will believe that. I believe that I should go out of my way to treat people with love and respect who believe in same sex marriage People on both sides of the isle think that these two beliefs do not align. But by the grace of God I will keep believing and living them both.

There will be some difficult questions to answer for the church when it comes to particular situations that will come up, maybe not for us but for the church in general.  My we wise as serpents and gentle as doves.  May we be full of grace and truth.

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