Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Walking With Jesus-This Works Best For Me

The phrase, "This works best for me," has had a major impact on my life the last six months.  It was taught to me by a wise counsellor I trust.

I am legally blind, which brings about many challenges. Many times it brings me into embarrassing situations which I try to avoid or mask.  I definitely do not talk about them, especially on a blog, what am I doing?

Once on a field trip with my daughter I was put in charge of 5 fifth graders in downtown Grand Rapids looking at the Artprize exhibits.  Because of my eyesight I am really bad and uncomfortable with directions.  I have trouble reading signs.  I have trouble reading maps.  I got us lost.  The kids had a good time, because I have learned how to fake my way through these situations.  They didn't even notice we were lost (I don't think).  This situation left me very upset and frustrated.

I talked this over with someone.  During that conversation, "This works best for me," was born.  I should have been honest with the teacher and told him leading in downtown Grand Rapids does "Not Work Best For Me."  I should have brought my GPS, I can follow that well.  The GPS, "Works best for me."

In any situation I have to find, "What works best for me."  I do not do this out of selfishness.  I do this out of my limitations and many times personal preferences.  I do take the other persons point of view into consideration when figuring out, "What works best for me."  If it does not, "Work best for them," I will have to compromise or we will have to do something else or not at all.

If I do not figure out, "What works best for me," the situation deteriorates.  I do not have fun, others do not, and nothing is accomplished, except stress.

So the way God has made me, with my talents, limitations, gifts, calling, preferences, surrendered to Jesus, I ask, "What works best for me?"

Mark 1:35-39 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. 36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 39 So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

Jesus even knew, "What worked best for him."

How about you?  Have you done things in the past out of guilt, embarrassment,  or just to please someone and you knew that you were not doing, "What was best for you?"

How can you use the phrase, "This works best for me, " to walk with Jesus in the future?  What gifts, limitations, calling, and talents has He given you?  What works best for you?

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