Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Walking With Jesus-Enjoy What You Are Doing, Do What You Enjoy

We all have responsibilities, things that we have to do. But do we enjoy them.  From getting dressed, to eating meals, to caring for our families, etc, etc.  Do we just do them to get through them, or do we enjoy them along the way.

I was getting dressed this morning and belting out "O What A Beautiful Morning," from Oklahoma, this morning.  (My wife has had a bad influence on my musical taste).  (Also, I like the version with Wolverine singing that song.)  It felt good to sing.  Not sure if my wife and daughter and dog enjoyed it, but I did.

While I was scrambling my eggs, I was practicing my comedy routine.  I was doing some kind of weird chef voice.  I was enjoying it.

Now there are other parts of our lives we get to choose, or at least for the most part.  From careers(for the most part), to hobbies, to leisure time.  I enjoy preaching.  It is one of my favorite things.  I enjoy drawing.  I am getting better at it.  I enjoy movies, reading, walking my dog, weight lifting, eating out a restaurants, serving people, etc, etc.

Why just spend our time mindlessly, when we choose things we enjoy.

How do you enjoy doing your responsibilities?  What things do you choose to enjoy?

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