Thursday, September 30, 2010

Daily Thanksgiving

I saw another pastor doing this so i thought I would give it a try. I will list from time to time the things that I am thankful for on a daily basis.

1. Jesus is Messiah and my savior.
2. Monica my wife she loves me.
3. Elizabeth my daughter is great.
4. Good mashed potatoes last night at Living Hope.
6. I am healthy.
7. Windows Messenger so I can talk with Monica all day.
8. Bob Sandler sending me a video that made me roll.
10. Sweet tea.
11. Our webpage
12. A good pharmacist
13. Going to Steak-n-Shake tonight.
14. Dr. Pepper
15. Gala Apples
16. A good deacons meeting
17. A daughter who quotes the word at me
18. Laughter
19. Logan's
20. My daughter's school
21. Sleeping in
22. Warm Home
23. Praying friends
24. Free pumpkin from a neighbor
25. Carving a pumpkin with my daughter
26. My small group "starting point"
27. Long distance calls
28. Health
29. Safe neighborhood
30. The chicken stew I made
31. Wednesday night prayer, praise, and preaching service
32. Employment
33. Watching musicals with my daughter
34. Paid for car repairs

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