Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teen Challenge and The Church

Teen Challenge ministered with us during our Sunday morning service.  This ministry is very important and I really appreciate it.

I like the fact that people in teen challenge who come and minister in our churches don't have it all figured out.  They are honest about it.  Many times we who minister in church act like we do have it all figured out.  Many of the Teen Challenge members are still struggling with addiction and they testify about that.  They testify that they are trusting in Jesus to help them.  Aren't we still struggling in some area?  Church should be the one place where we can say this.  Unfortunately it many times become the place where we hide our weaknesses the most.

Let's make sure Living Hope is a place where people can find help for the things that control us and not just deny we have things that do control us.

We need more people who smell like cigarettes.
We need more people who do not have their marriages functional.
We need more people who do not know how to talk like a Christian.
We need more people who do not know how to act like a Christian.
We need more people who feel welcome to be themselves.
We need more people who know the church is a place they can get help.
We need more people who know the church stands for truth without compromise but at the same time stands for grace without judging.  

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